ZERI JAPAN (Zero Emission Research and Initiative in Japan)

ZERI JAPAN is a non-profit established in 2001 to realize a circular society through environmental education and practice, industrial cluster building, technical guidance to the member companies. We hold the ZERI concept as a starting point, which aims to recycle the resources and energy, and finally reduce waste to zero: Zero Emissions Research and Initiative.


Companies in the 21st century must take responsibility for their production activities and build production systems that minimize their waste as close to zero as possible.

Besides, we must promote the construction of circular industrial systems and clusters that are pollution-free while enhancing the effectiveness and profits with less input.

Based on the concept of ZERI, our goal is to build circular industrial systems through enlightening companies and practicing environmental activities and in Japan.

Projects of ZERI JAPAN

  1. Environmental education and practice

-Environmental education

-Awareness-raising for zero emissions

2. Development and licensing of environmental technologies

-Marine plastic pollution initiatives (collaboration with the Race for Water Foundation)

-Support for environmental conservation (collaboration with BCTJ, Borneo Conservation Trust Japan)


3. Proposals, construction, and practice of industrial clusters


-Industrial linkages between various organizations

4. Suggestions, building, and training of the circular industrial system

-International cooperation projects

-Domestic cooperation projects

-Management of Friends of Gaviotas Fund (Suspended at the moment)